The Body Reboot method

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Postural assessment
  • Identification of the person personal problems
  • Explanations of the postural mistakes
  • Deprogramming test of one’s mistakes in order to realign the body in the Body Reboot’s way.

Denis, 70 ans : « Très progressivement, après seulement quelques séances  d’étirements et de massages appropriés,  je marche désormais sans souffrir et la douleur au dos a pratiquement disparu. »

Malika Abokoy pour sa fille Sabrina 25 ans, qui était bloquée du dos et des cervicales: « Ma fille va mieux, le lendemain un peu de courbature, mais là plus rien! Plus de raideur, plus de blocage et plus mal du tout a la nuque !!Merci pour tout ce que vous faites, continuez bravo à toutes les deux merciiii beaucoup et bravo encore».

Postural assessment
Body prep in order to make it ready before practice through:

Massages are necessary to relieve the body from pain since we cannot make a body move when suffering pains

  • STRETCHING, is the « twin » sister of massages

Antoine, 51 ans : «En 3 mois de présence assidue, les douleurs liées aux contractures dans les épaules et dans les cuisses se sont faites supportables. Il m’arrive même d’avoir de « bonnes  journées ».

Body prep in order to make it ready before practice through:
Muscle building, intelligent body moves and beginning of postural work

Here, we move forward to the rehabilitation work while respecting the new body alignment. We bring specific moves allowing the whole body to move in order de deprogram compensations and bring it back at the same time in a more natural alignment.

The purpose of postural work is to bring the body back to its natural place, which we believe is the opposite of what is commonly said.

The Body Reboot position and alignment is ideal to free the body of bad pains, prevent and get rid of pains induced by bad posture: compression of vertebral disc inducing various back conditions, abnormal frictions of tendons and ligaments inducing tendinitis.

Whether you want it or not, your body will look better, more beautiful and harmonious.

Luc, 50 ans « Tout en détails et subtilité, Mariana et Jessica m’ont fait progresser en puissance et en dessin musculaire par la précision de la posture, le toucher et le choix des mouvements sur mesure. »

Muscle building, intelligent body moves and beginning of postural work
Reeducative bodybuilding

BODY REBOOT doesn’t consider postural rehabilitation without weight. On rehabilitate and realign the body through physical activity* and specially through body building*.

*Physical activity generally speaking which reinforce the body in the right alignment making it harmonious and agile. Physical activity offers th epossibility to people to master their body in order to be able to use it in their everyday life. We teach how to « fold » the spine fearlessly contrary to common and widespread teaching which  claim to stay ‘put’.

In the physical activity teaching, we include the Pilates technique we use (complementary and key method) in order to brace the abs and build a strong core and power spine.

*Body building. Bodybuilding in gym center make you maintain or even improve your physical strength as well as muscle mass so that you can enjoy a strong vitality in your everyday life and age well. It is only by using the body building machines that we can realign the spine and strengthen the back.

Muscle building with heavy weights and done properly is very important to build muscles which are essential in order to keep a fit and straight body.

However, bodybuilding the way it commonly taught nowadays shatter people’s back which gives way to early injuries which in turns trigger all kind of pathologies.  Not to mention ugly body deformations as a direct consequence of the misunderstanding of body straightening and realignment.

Our reeducative musculation aims at toning the whole body while lengthening it and then give it strength and grace.

JP, 48 ans : « Ici, pas question de pousser de la fonte n’importe comment. La posture, le geste juste qui mobilise la juste fibre musculaire sans risquer de me blesser ».

Reeducative bodybuilding